14 DAY Trial

Fourteen Day Jiu-Jitsu Trial

Fourteen Day Jiu-Jitsu Trial

If you’re looking for a new place to train. Or, you’ve been thinking about giving Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu a try, but are unsure if it’s right for you, then come train with us for seven days. Without obligation, no pressure.

Offer is valid for new members only

How do I get started?

Complete the form belowand select the day and time you’d like to start your trial. Please ensure the form is completed (separately) for each person attending the trial, and in their own name. Sign the electronic waiver via the link emailed to you, and arrive at our Academy 10-15 minutes before class starts.

Step 1: Create a mindbody account

TIPIf youre booking for a dependent you will both need separate mindbody accounts which can be linked using the family account functionality.

Step 2: Download a 14 Day Trial Pass

Step 3: Book into your first class via our app, or the Mindbody App.

Using your pass you can book into as many classes as you like for the 14 consecutive days of your trial period

If you’re a beginner please only book into fundamentals classes. If you’re unsure which class your child is suitable for please get in touch.

Preschoolers, Kids & Juniors

For your first class you can wear comfy clothes; a t – shirt and shorts is fine. Please ensure children are book ed into the age – appropriate class See our programs (link to programs page)


We have Jiu-Jitsu Gi’s available for adults to borrow. If you have no or little experience, please book into one of our Fundamentals Classes.

What will I learn?

You will learn some of the most important basic techniques of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Our classes cover the most important aspects of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu; warm ups, learning to roll, break-falls, drills, self-defence and ground grappling.

Your time is precious, and so is ours. If you can’t make your scheduled trial please have the courtesy to let us know. No shows will forfeit any future trial opportunities or offers.

Still Unsure?

Want to try Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu but need more information? Get in touch. We’re here to help.